Sunday, April 28, 2013

Move On

I have moved on...
People can see that u have moved on...
Yess indeed I have moved on...

But those memories are still there..
And sometimes u came across it again and makes u miss them...
Feel like u want to have them back..
Have them besides u n listening to u..
With a touch on ur hand..
And pet on ur back...

Yess u can get them back..
But u cant because u have moved on..
U know that they are not yours...
Thats why u need to keep moving on...
And u still need to move on...
Hang in there n keep moving on...

*missing someone..

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Bila bibir x mampu berkata2...
Biar hati mula berbicara...


Tapi...secara logiknye..hati mane bleh berbicara...ini semua POYYO!!!
So biarkan facebook..whatsapp yg tolong sampaikan..haha...
Tapi kalau x sampai gak???