so this is like a reunion to us..since our last meeting in March during Earth Hour @ Mid Valley..
as usual..being with them is the greatest days i treasured..dr saket..trus elok demam..sbb seronok sgt..walaupon sedikit tertekan melihat bilik yg tidak terurus sbb cimah,cham n emie stayed in my room..but i dont mind that..walaupon penat driving dr seremban dalam keadaan demam..i still follow them to Lumut to check in emie's parent yg sporting n photo shoot(for graduates only)..walaupon asik kene bebel n buli ngan Ben yg still happy..raser happy sgt sampai raser nk peluk sume orang..
Happy Graduation floles..sorry for the small gift..i wish i can give something big to all of u..
Happy Graduation to RCs,hommies..skoolmate..
Happy Graduation to Payeh..Medea..Matle..and to other personal that i know..
n this morning i went to brekfest with emie chimah cham apam medea n payeh kt tronoh..then follow the girls pulangkan jubah n get their cert..meeting with the graduates..n suddenly chimah datang kuar kan sebijik kad..aku pelik.."ni kad dr kitorang"..
demit..i wasnt expecting that..n this two eyes full of tears..aku pon berlegar2 jap to hold the tears..but the witches follow aku n amik gamba aku nanges..cess..i was planning to read it there but x jadi..takut ternangis lg..kt dalam dewan yg ramai org aku sgt2 terharu..walaupon lam kad tuh ader ayat2 yg sedikit kejam dr cham n ben..walaupon kad tuh is a 'goodbye' that is 1 TEAR...
just now aku duk korek2 laptop tgk gamba yg ben paste lam lappy aku nih..hajat di hati nk update blog n upload la gamba2 aku during dgn hampanyer dlm folder tuh TADE 1 pon gambar aku..NO..NONE..NOT EVEN 1..huh..sedey giler..tau la aku lum tader gamba aku..huhu..=( so this is 2nd TEARS..(gamba aku ben amik b4 dier lum upload lam pc ag time tuh..)
dlm card tuh..ben said he will attend my convo next year kalau ader mood =(
during ben's,cham n apam were there..
during the others' n ben were there..
on my convo..will they be there??or im alone??huhu...
thanks floles..
for all the joys..
for all the tears..
walaupon aku slalu dibebel n membebel..
walaupon aku slalu dibuli..
walaupon aku slalu dikutuk n mengutuk..
walaupon aku dicubit dan 'akan' mencubit..
walaupon aku slalu di ignore..
walaupon aku masiih budak2..
walaupon aku still undergraduate..
aku tau..
im in your heart..hehe..
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