KISAH 1: LEMANG stated story this time is about lemang..every rayer..we make lemang for ourself..n for our regular customers..1 batang rm6..murah sbb buluh kecik..we prefer the small one sbb comel n easy to eat..ngan teros jer..n our super doubt..kalau x xkan ader regular customer,we did not sell tepi jalan..only to regular customers jer..n this year 80 batang..buluh+daun pisang da ready by ayah..
we usually masak lemang in the morning bcoz some customers are balik kampung in the tooks 5-6 hours to cook one day b4 raye..i wake up at 9..ayah set up the fire already but mum have not yet prepare the my mind "cepatnyer ayah idupkan api" i bro mesin kelapa..then i help my mum perah kelapa..almost 10 bijik ok..
then ayah datang "x masukkan lg ker dlm buluh??api da nk abes"
"&$#@" n i bebel to ayah(only aku jer yg brani bebel kat ayah n ayah x lawan..huhu)
"sape suh ayah idopkan api awal2..x nyempat2..pas2 api abes..bising2 marah org lak"
so ayah diam tande mmg betol dier salah..
n thats ayah..kalau dier salah tape kalau kiter salah tabuley~~
dgn muke yg agak marah to ayah..i cepat2 masukkan beras lam buluh..ouh sungguh penat..duduk for almost 1jam lebih..saket pinggang..
after finish i went to bed..for a nap..then its raining..ouh nikmatnye tdo petang dikala ujan~~n i heard mama n ayah busy pasang khemah to protect the aku malas..sleep for only 1/2 jam..kater nap..then ganti ayah to look out after the lemang..he need to pray..
during that time..some of my lemang cooked already an then came the first customer took 20 lemang..rm120 in my im the accountant..all the customers paid to me..we sold almost 45 batang..n the rest is for us to eat n give to nenek..
because or baju raye x siap =( that nite we went out to get baju raye n we spent duit lemang on baju raye..hehe..n the balance belongs to my mum..n some for the zakat..
ouh n the lemang is the greatest!!sungguh lemak berkrim..
helping ayah jage lemang..
KISAH 2 sambung nnti k......
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