I live in the present.. I only remember the past.. and anticipate the future.....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
its over...
my exams in over..packed everything..n will be back home @ 10 am..no exams,stdudy,UTP for 8 months..im going 4 internship..FMC Technologies,gelang patah..i wish i can write more..but dont have the time..need to settle lots of things b4 i left..bye guys..to all my colleague..gudlak intern..n see u again..to my buddies 4 this semester..apam,cimah,emie,izul,medea,matle,kusai,hommies..see u someday???
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
ke hutan or ke pantai??
kulari ke hutan kemudian menyanyiku
kulari ke pantai kemudian teriakku
sepi… sepi.. dan sendiri aku benci
aku ingin bingar... aku mau di pasar
bosan aku dengan penat
dan enyah saja kau pekat
seperti berjelaga jika kusendiri
pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
ada malaikat menyulam
jaring laba laba belang di tembok keraton putih
kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya
biar terdera
atau aku harus lari ke hutan
lalu ke pantai…
-ada apa dengan cinta??-
kulari ke pantai kemudian teriakku
sepi… sepi.. dan sendiri aku benci
aku ingin bingar... aku mau di pasar
bosan aku dengan penat
dan enyah saja kau pekat
seperti berjelaga jika kusendiri
pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
ada malaikat menyulam
jaring laba laba belang di tembok keraton putih
kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya
biar terdera
atau aku harus lari ke hutan
lalu ke pantai…
-ada apa dengan cinta??-
where should i run??hutan or pantai..so many feelings inside me..love..sad..hatred..happy..its all mixed up..hmm...im just tired with all of these
Friday, May 16, 2008
Happy teachers day~~
To all my beloved teachers..n those who have taught me...my dad n my mum..

My dad is the greatest teacher in my life
Thanx 4 all ur knowledge..
thanx 4 teaching me how to live in this world..
i am nothing without u guys..
thanx 4 all the support that u gave..
its not easy to teach people like me..
all ur effort..i really appreciated it..
thanx again...

fadzil me sia

Mr Khusairi Mohamed

"The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes, and leads you onto the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth."
thanx 4 teaching me how to live in this world..
i am nothing without u guys..
thanx 4 all the support that u gave..
its not easy to teach people like me..
all ur effort..i really appreciated it..
thanx again...
fadzil me sia
to Sia n Fadzil...u r the best lecturer i ever had..thanx a lot guys..4 not only teaching me..but also guiding me to success..n i really miss u guys..=)

Mr Khusairi Mohamed
This man is Kuchai..he is my abg angkat now..he is a teacher at king george v..he never taught me in class..but we were so close..i always ask him on study matter..he just my sofbol coach..then he gave me tuition for free..that was during pmr n spm..yup..i succeeded..bcoz of all the teachers..
n now im still trying my best to finish my degree..another one n a half years to go...pray for my success..its the only way i can pay for ur good deed...
"The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes, and leads you onto the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Its the end but will never end..

Yesterday is our last RCSU meeting for this semester..it was like usual..educamp postmotem n department updates...but this meeting will be the last meeting for me and those who are going for internship next semester..its the end of our services in RCSU
In RCSU,you will end your services once u went for internship...but,you will always be part of RCSU and then called 'warga emas'..once we were retired,what we do is advice,guide and help the RCSU members in their tasks..
Ive been in RCSU since end of foundation 2nd sem (2006) until 3rd year 1st sem(2008)..it has been 3 yearas..there are lots of benefits from being a RCSU..i learn how to deal withh people,younger and older and me..manage the people..it improved my soft skills a lot..I was the asst director of independence week last year..i manage to improve my leadership skills..there are lots of things that i learned..but i dont know how to describe it..but i know..it is beneficial and worth it..it helps me to be abetter person in all ways..
OHANA..that is what we call ourself(RCSU members)..OHANA means family and family means nobody got left behind..that describe the relationshhip between the members..we live like a family..we share joys and tears together eventhough we came from different age,courses,places and races..we live like brothers n sisters..i think this the only organization in UTP who live like a family..i love everybody eventhough sometimes they did hurt my feelings..its a family..air dicincang xkan putus..guys..we will always be a family..
i spent most of my time with RCSU rather than my friends..i even move to v5 to stay with them..too many things i did with them..
- futsal (ohana won 1st place)
- muvies...
- mapley together
- ipow..
- cuti2 RC (once for each sem)
- bbq
- minggu aluan siswa
- educamp
- helping the staff with the hostel
- hostel registration every sem
- tahlil
- karaoke~~
- bowling..
- eat at bonda..
- we also study together..study @ RC meeting rrom..huhu..that the best part..really miss it..in 2006..we eat,study,pray n sleep there..huhu..only went back to mandi..

Friday, May 9, 2008
missing old days..part 2

tbe2 raser nk tgk blik photo album zaman i skola dulu..it was in 2003-2004..i was in mozac..eventhough it was only for two years..the memories with them always remain..huhu..skolah asrama..another xperience for me..mule2 masuk..homesick..i keep telling my parents yg i nk blik skola lame..but they always encouraged me to stay..it worth it la stay kat asrama tuh..living far away from parents..so we treat our friends as family..share the joys n pain together..we laugh..cry and tkaing care each other together..

things yg best kat asrama:
- tdo lam klas time prep
- escape prep
- fly class
- g tgk konsert so7
- outing
- berkejar2 ngan beruk(mozac ader byk beruk)
- mandi kat kolam basuh baju
- buli the juniors...hahahaha
- study sampai mlm2 ramai..
- kalau time mkn jer..semue berkerumun..
- gado ngan dak laki
- gado ngan prefect
- sambut besday with them
- malam panca delima
- klass dinner
- so many things to list out...

best giler duk asrama..it is something yg korang x dpt kat skolah biase..huhu..dan i think yg paling best time tuh adalah semangat stadi..seriously..mase kat mozac..i think tuh la mase where i sgt berusaha keras utk belajar..sgt2..maser free je bkk buku...stadi sampai pg..keep studying sampai buku jd lunyai..n now..everything changed..nk dapat mood stadi pon da tabuley...asik malas jer..haih..kamon otai!!semangat2!!stadi2!!

its exams time!!
hai guys..da lame x bebel kat cni..im was so damn bz with projects,assignment n tests..biasala..student..n now..preparing for final exams..my paper start on monday..
my routine during study week..

- wake up in the morning(depends la nk bgn kul baper)
- lunch + zohor
- asar + dinner
- magrib kat bilik
- mapley(it depends..but mostly laaa..)
- sambung stadi skit kt blik
- tdooooooooo.....
- tade class...
- stadi ngan kwn2..best woooo...
- stadi ngan emie,cimah,izul n apam (missing ben n cham)
- tensyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!
- i eat alot when study...so..paham2 sudeyh..
- studying is so damn tired....
- tdo n mkn yg x btul make me feel sick!!
its all bout love..
its a quote..from my fav series..greys anatomy...most of my friends really love the quotes..so meaningful..
"So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Eventually feels a lot better than actually."

Menjaga hati...
Another new fav song..its quite new..i really love the lyrics..it meant alot..
masih tertinggal bayanganmu
yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
hujan tanpa henti seolah pertanda
cinta tak di sini lagi
kau tlah berpaling
biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini, ohh
menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
engkau pergi, aku takkan pergi
kau menjauh, aku takkan jauh
sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
masih adakah cahaya rindumu
yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu
aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu
meski ku lihat kini
kau di seberang sana
andai akhirnya
kau tak juga kembali
aku tetap sendiri
menjaga hati
sejujurnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
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